
ASCP Certification

ASCP Certification.

ASCP Certification: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re someone looking for a very in-demand and highly rewarding career and want to become a Medical Laboratory Professional.

Then getting an ASCP certification is quite important to your cause.

It’s one of the most famous American Board certifications that will surely serve as your proof of competency and show your dedication to the medical laboratory scientist field.

The ASCP certification is much respected among all other prestigious certifications that anyone can acquire to become a laboratory professional.

It shows the level of high intelligence, Excellency, and commitment to the medical field.

Which in turn makes you a valuable employee to your employer, and also stands out in the job market

Now let us equip you with all necessary information you will be needing to navigate your ways toward getting your ASCP certificate.

What is ASCP Certification?

This is a higher respected ASCP Certification that’s recognized globally in the medical laboratory field.

ASCP was established in 1928.

And has since then become a reputable certification that’s known for setting high standards for the medical professionals.

The ASCP Organization as a board of certification that helps medical students or candidates demonstrate their skill and expertise.

To show that they've got all it takes to survive and strive in a laboratory setting.

To work in the United States as a medical professional, all states will request that you’ve either one of these two certifications.

  • The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
  • Or American Medical Technologist (AMT).
  • Others

And we will only be talking about the ASCP certification, what the organization is all about and how to get certified on this page.

The ASCP serve a group of laboratory professionals such as:

  • Scientists,
  • medical and laboratory students
  • Pathologists,
  • Residents to laboratory administrators,
  • Technologists
  • Educators

This certification helps these professionals declare that they have what it takes to carry out important tasks in the medical laboratory.

These ASCP certifications help them enhance their professional career in many ways.

Importance of ASCP in the Medical Laboratory Field

ASCP certification is not just another certification, it’s a certification that holds big importance.

People with this certification play major roles in moving the healthcare system forward across all sections.

  • When you’ve an ASCP certificate, you can get your work licensure easily
  • The goal of ASCP is to promote patient safety and make sure the health care system is of great quality.
  • Making sure that medical professionals go through rigorous testing before getting this ASCP certification.
  • Instill the confidence in their accuracy and reliability of getting stuff done in the lab and reading lab test results.
  • This helps them make good clinical decisions and makes sure they have accurate diagnoses, which will tailor the treatments plan they will be giving to the patient.
  • This also serves as proof of the candidate's competence, commitment and good expertise in the medical professional field.
  • Candidates with ASCP certification have much advantage in their job market when seeking for a medical lab career.
  • As employers prioritize them due to ASCP exam recognition as a benchmark for excellence and commitment.
  • This gives them the chance to earn a higher salary, access more leadership roles and job security.
  • While giving them more chances to grow and other career opportunities which they can’t get if they’re not certified.

Understanding ASCP Certification

This certification consists of a rigorous computer based exam for medical professionals.

To test them on their skills and ability when it comes to lab practices and their knowledge in their respective medical field.

It contains a number of courses and disciplines under the medical profession.

And getting certified validates each candidate competence and expertise in their field within the medical lab domain.

Types of Certifications Available in ASCP

ASCP certifications can be categorized into four levels:

The Technologist or Scientists Level:

  • Clinical Laboratory Scientist
  • Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS)
  • Technologist in Molecular Biology (MB)
  • Technologist in Microbiology (M)
  • Histotechnologist
  • Technologist in Hematology (H)
  • Cytologist (CT)
  • Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG)
  • Technologist in Chemistry (C)
  • Technologist in Blood Banking (BB)
  • Cytotechnologist
  • International Gynecologic Cytologist (CTgyn)

Specialist Level:

  • Specialist in Molecular Biology (SMB)
  • Specialist in Microbiology (SM)
  • Specialist in Hematology (SH)
  • Specialist in Cytometry (SCYM)
  • Specialist in Cytology (SCT)
  • Specialist in Chemistry (SC)
  • Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB)
  • Hematology Specialist (SH)

Technician Level:

  • Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT ASCP)
  • Phlebotomy Technician (PBT)
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA)
  • Histotechnician (HT)
  • Phlebotomy Technician (PBT ASCP)
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA ASCP)

ASCP vs. License: Clarifying the distinction

There’s ASCP which is a certification and there’s State Licensure.

These are two different entities and one is more important than the other.

Students are eligible to sit down for the ASCP exam and get certified immediately after graduation, but it's not a compulsory act.

Even though certification is not very important, most employers prefer a certified medical lab practitioner over their non-certified counterparts.

And that’s because of some obvious reasons as it signifies the candidate’s commitments and competence in their field.

A big investment is a student sitting for an exam and getting their ASCP certificate, it’s an investment for their career in the future.

And its best done immediately after their graduations (Even though you can schedule it for the future).

On Other Hands:

Licensure is compulsory and required for anyone that wants to work in a clinical laboratory.

Without a license, you can’t work in a medical field.

Having an ASCP certificate allow you to get work a licensure in most states except for few.

Currently, New York, Florida, California, West Virginia, Georgia, North Dakota, Hawaii, Louisiana, Nevada, Puerto Rico, and Montana require a state licensure in addition to ASCP certificate.

Important Note: This list might be updated anytime

The Path to ASCP Certification

Early preparation strategies

The earlier you start preparing for your ASCP certification, the better, and here’s how to start preparing.

High School:

When in high school, focus more on important science subjects like Math, biology, chemistry and English.

This will help you start your preparation earlier.

And give you a strong foundation in science and other coursework you will be taking in future.

Undergraduate Education:

Make sure to get a bachelor’s degree in a science field such as Clinical laboratory science.

Biology degree and major in laboratory science and much better a Medical laboratory science degree.

Here are some of the most important courses you should make sure to take during your studies:

  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Hematology
  • Biochemistry
  • Immunology

All these are courses that you will be tested on when taking your ASCP exam.

Making sure to put focus on them will make you have a better foundation and make getting your certification more easily.

ASCP Certification Eligibility Criteria and Educational Pathways

Choosing the right pathway for your education is just as important

Each ASCP certifications has eligibility requirements of their own.

However, the first thing is to have an accredited bachelor’s degree in the Medical field.

And meet the requirements for a specific course.

Assuming you want to get a Medical Laboratory Technicians certification.

Enrolling in an associated degree program that has been accredited by NAACLS or any other agency like that might be a good thing to do.

And if you’re aiming for a medical laboratory scientist certification.

Getting a bachelor’s degree in laboratory science and making sure to drop in a clinical laboratory course.

Like hematology and microbiology, this should be your own educational pathway

ASCP Certification Exam: Structure, Content Areas

ASCP exams are computer-based exams that are used to access the knowledge, skills and competency of medical laboratory students.

This exam is conducted to certified and declare the competency of each candidates in performing important lab tasks

ASCP has different certifications and each of these certifications has its own unique format.

Which is quite different from each other.

Each of them has their own area of focus exam structure and content to focus on.

But it generally includes topics like Medical laboratory science fundamentals, clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology, blood banking and immunology.

Also test the candidates Analytical techniques and Professional practice

The format for each certification exam can range from a case study, a lab scenario to multiple choice questions

These details are important and you need to get used to the one that will be used for your own exam.

These some of the details you should take note of:

  • Each certification has its own syllabus which should be focused on.
  • Most Certification exam has 100 questions
  • The exam is expected to be completed in a 2 hours 30 minutes time frame.
  • Except for few exams like the PBT ASCP which is composed of 80 questions that should be completed in a 2 hours timeframe.
  • While Ctgyn ASCPi is composed of 50 questions with a 1 hour 30 minute timeframe.
  • All exam content area has been determined by ASCP BOC
  • They are multiple choice questions

Preparing for the ASCP Exam

Study Tips and Resources

Start Early:

  • The earlier you start studying for your exam the better it is to cover all necessary parts of the exam content.
  • Starting early is like you yourself giving yourself enough time and chances to study.
  • You will have more time to read and understand
  • And know the part where you’re struggling and what you need to do to improve.
  • Last minute cramming is of no help and was never an effective way of study.

Time Management:

  • Taking your time to plan out your time and organize whatever content you want to cover.
  • This might be the only key you need to improve your study.
  • Know how long you’re planning to use to study on a daily basis.
  • How much time you want to put into other commitments in your life.
  • This will help you plan your day and study without any interruption and find the content easier to study without any compromise.

Check out Past Exam Papers and Materials

Looking at past questions makes you become more familiar with the type of questions they will ask you.

Practicing past questions and studying previous material will help you improve on time management and get more familiar with the exam.

AmbrdiA.com is a leading education institution providing American Board certification preparation courses including ASCP courses.

Another perfect example of this is the MLSIA ASCP courses.

This prep course covers all necessary BOC resource in a single study material.

This will help you improve your focus, have all your study material in one single place.

As it will also help you understand the nature of the ASCP exam you’re preparing for.

Seek Help

If you hit a study block and you start getting confused about a particular topic or subject or maybe you’re feeling stressed.

Reaching out for help might be your best bet.

Talk to someone who’s more knowledge than you on the topic

It might be a teacher, a friend or family member, discussing your issue with them might open up your mind to more possibilities.

ASCP Study Resources:

Doing your ASCP exam preparation, having a good study resource is important.

And when selecting a study materials, there are some factors you need to put in mind in order to select one that’s effective.

You should make sure to select a study guide that’s

  • Useful
  • Accurate
  • Should be appropriate for the subject area and ability level.
  • Efficient
  • And relevant to whatever course or exam you’re preparing for.

An example of this type of Study pre is the MLSIAcademy.com’s Exam prep.

This Exam prep contains all important study material that are recommend to be study by the BOC.

Which also helps you get familiar with the exam you’re preparing for.

After ASCP Certification: Maintaining and Advancing Your Career.

Congratulations, now you’ve got your ASCP certification and you’ve demonstrated your level of commitment and competence in the medical lab field.

Then, what next?

When you get ASCP certified, the journey doesn't stop there.

Continuing Education Requirement.

You need to continue studying so as to maintain your certification and stay ahead of your competition.

ASCP BOC have a credential maintenance program (CMP) that provide their members with more learning opportunity.

The medical lab professions industry is always evolving and the CMP can help you stay current on new developments.

Benefits of ASCP certification for career advancement

Getting an ASCP certification comes with many advantages as it can help you advance your career.

It will set you up for many career advancement opportunities and open many doors you can’t have access to without the certification

You have better job opportunities, gain higher salaries, and it will also give you professional recognition.

Which will make you more valuable in the job market.

Among the many Benefits is Job Security.

As an ASCP certified candidate you become more valuable to any company and no company wants to lay off its valuable asset.

ASCP membership benefits

When you join the ASCP membership program, it opens up many doors for you and your medical career.

As ASCP is the biggest medical laboratory community, you as its member will gain access to other influential figures in the medical lab field.

You will gain access to the biggest resources and a pool of knowledge that can help you grow and make the most impact as a medical professional


FAQs of ASCP Certification


The ASCP certification opens more doors for you and allows you to access more career opportunities than non-certified medical professionals.

You gain access to higher salaries, much better recognition and become more valuable in the job market.

Strive to gain your Certification as soon as possible as it will help a big deal in your career.

In preparation for you exam, taking the MLSI academy prep course can be of great help.

As this gives you all the support and expert guidance you will need in order to succeed in your ASCP Exam.

You will get access to lots of self-assessment tasks.

Which will make you get familiar with the types of questions you will come across in your exam.

What is the ASCP certification?

ASCP certification is a certification that shows that medical professionals have and already demonstrate their knowledge and competence in the medical laboratory field.

How long is the ASCP exam?

The ASCP exam usually take 2 hours 30 minutes to complete and it’s always a computer based test

What is the passing score for ASCP?

The passing score will vary from one certification to another
And the exam score is usually on a scale ranging from 0-999 which the passing score will be 400.

What happens if you fail ASCP?

The ASCP guidelines allows an eligible candidate to retake the exam up-to five time if failed
And once you failed the fifth attempt, then need to apply via another route.

How many questions do you need to pass ASCP?

The ASCP BOC does not give a one-fit-all answer to this question, as the pass score for each exam will vary.
Just make sure to score above the pass score, 400, set for your own discipline/certification.

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